Tuesday, June 16, 2009


hmmm, has been to lazy to update for a while...special sem is over. the astronomy exam (11 june) was quite a tough 2-hr MCQ paper. the questions were not at all direct. but most people finished in 45min and by the time i left, 1hr 15min in the clock, about 20% of the students taking astronomy has left. hopefully this module can help pull up my GPA.

just discovered a new mmorpg called Dragonica by IAHgames. it's cute and quite fun to play too. now i'm level 22. if you're playing, join me at Elga server. my character name is yenney (hunter). so i'm quitting 9dragons, which i just started in the holiday.

the RC plane project is make little headway. i hope all the issues will be resolved soon. i plan to go to the lab on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. so if you're in school those days, join me for lunch!

my broadband connection has been quite erratic since last friday. there's been frequent disconnections. i called singtel and the technician is coming today. hopefully the connection stays and allow me to finish my rantings. lol

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