i stopped running AGAIN!
the schedule is a mess and I'm not liking it at all. I don't like it when I have no idea what's coming next. I don't like it when I am not given an option. I don't like it when I have no free time to slack or relac-one-corner. so much unknown, so much wait-for-news, so much I'll-tell-you-later...yuck
it's like a wake-up call when your mind is questioning "what's important to you?" it's like someone holding your face so you have to look at all your deeds and sins no matter how hard to try to turn away. it's like asking yourself all the could-have-been and should-have-been. this is such a waste of time. let's look ahead instead.
okay. I have no idea what I just typed...
anyway, I finally got my pink IC today after a HALF-DAY (!!!) ceremony at Singapore Poly. coincidentally, I was wearing the same shirt as the guest-of-honour, MP Mr Arthur Fong. there were about 250 to 300 ppl, from West Coast GRC alone, getting their Singapore citizenship there today. can you imagine how many ppl are obtaining Singapore citizenship every year? and I wonder if I really look like an accountant with my specs or sound like I'll from China 'cause I can speak Chinese without all the lah-leh-lohs...
July is gonna be a busy month. may be flying to Shanghai, Beijing and Xiamen with my folks for a week or so. it'll then be followed by the NTU ODAC camp from 14th to 19th. Gryphon's cup on 2 consec weekends and there may be a camp for the CN Yang programme from 21st to 23rd. and orientation week starts on the 28th.
gotta stay in hall 3 or 16 'cause of the scholarship. I hope I can have the option not to but I'm still waiting for Eugene's reply. when I check the CN Yang Programme website earlier, there were no stated requirement to stay in the hall, unlike the Nanyang Scholarship. when I meet up with the CN Yang programme seniors, the first thing the senior mentioned was "now, y'all are also Nanyang scholars". if you put all these together, it's not hard to tell that they want to include CN Yang scholars into the same pool as Nanyang scholars. I wonder how that would benefit the CN Yang programme...hmmm. but staying in hall should be fun (away from parents!) and if I ever miss home, it's just 30 minutes away.
okay. I'll start running tomorrow morning!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
run run run
Saturday, June 14, 2008
sprained ankleS
how do you sprain both ankles in a day, within a span of 15 min? ask me. my shots haven't been dropping lately and that's very frustrating. no touch, lousy stroke, bad choices. that's not the kind of game any player would want but we would all go through this kind of phase, esp shooters. not saying that I'm a natural shot but I think it's decent enough. looks like I need more shooting practice and drills
the driving test was quite nerve-wrecking. up-slope was shit but I passed. so basically, I can say I have met all the goals I've set for the holiday - driving license and Singapore citizenship and on top of that, a really nice bonus, a scholarship from NTU. I should get back to my Spanish before school starts. and next up, Gryphon cup.
Monday, June 9, 2008
i'm up 4 in the morning cuz i cant sleep. counting sheeps didnt help, neither did chanting "i wanna sleep" in chinese. too much worries and anxiety for the test later. seriously, it's just a TP test. i cant believe that i'm that screwed up. sleepless over driving test?! and not for A'lvl? what the hell...i think i'll fall asleep while driving...pls pls pls...go to sleep chor yen...